Pressure Washing Services in Huntington

If you’re looking to renovate your home or business in Huntington, or you’re just looking for seasonal cleanup assistance, consider hiring a professional power cleaning contractor.

Whether you need help for a big one-time job, or you’d like someone to drop by seasonally, our professional pressure washing cleaners are flexible and can meet your unique set of needs for your commercial or residential property.

Don’t wait another minute to get started on beautifying your property! Simply call Cline Painting at (606) 417-0797 and let us do the work for you!

Residential Pressure Washing Services

As a homeowner, you know that the exterior can get messy and dirty easily. Cleaning and washing windows, as well as siding, can be very tricky.

In fact, trying to do pressure washing yourself is risky because you may end up getting water inside the foundation and causing serious safety and health problems – not to mention potentially destroying the market value of the home.

Here are some pressure washing services we offer residential customers:

  • Paint Preparation
  • Cleaning Algae Off Siding
  • Decks and Patio Furniture
  • Rooves and Eavestroughs

So, if you’re looking to get some assistance with your residential property, we’re just around the corner and ready to help!

We Aim to Keep Properties Clean and Safe

How can hiring a professional pressure washing company keep your customers and family safe?

Personal Safety

When you hire commercial pressure washers to handle painting prep or to wash hard-to-reach areas like rooftops, this means that you can have peace of mind knowing that you don’t’ have to climb up ladders or do other jobs that can easily lead to injuries.

Environmentally Sound Cleanup

We use eco-friendly cleaners whenever possible, which means that they don’t damage the surrounding environment and are also less harmful to delicate surfaces. We also use gentle pressure washing for sensitive surfaces which may be prone to damage, such as older wood.


Don’t risk having customers or loved ones injured on your property! Slipping hazards are common, especially during the wet seasons. Simply schedule a power wash with us to get rid of hazardous algae and keep everyone safe from injury.

We Specialize in Commercial Pressure Cleaning Services

We’re well-versed in all areas of commercial clean up and paint prep. And we’ll do everything we can to clean up your property in a jiffy at any time of the year!

After a quick call, we will come over to your commercial business to handle:

  • Paint Prep
  • Cleaning Large Equipment
  • Roofing and Renovation Issues
  • Sidewalks
  • Parking Lots
  • Loading Docks
  • Warehouses
  • …and more!

Extra services like construction clean-up and gentle pressure washing are also available!  

Trust Cline Painting as a Top Choice Among Pressure Cleaning Companies

Our top-notch pressure washing services and careful cleaning methods make us one of the best

local pressure washing companies in the area. We never leave until everything is double-checked for cleanliness, and you are content with the results.

To learn more about what makes us so popular in the Huntington area, just give us a call at (606) 417-0797 today!